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HomeSafer Vaccines


         Paul Thomas, M.D.       

Dr. Thomas attended and graduated with his MD from Dartmouth College Giesel School of Medicine. He completed his three years of pediatric residency at the University of California San Fransisco (Fresno program) and San Diego. Voted by his peers the top teaching resident of the year, he went on to teach and train young doctors from OHSU (Oregon Health Science University) at Emanuel Children’s Hospital in Portland Oregon – where he settled and raised a family of ultimately 10 children (7 adopted).

Dr. Thomas has reduced the incidence of autism to ZERO in his pediatrics practice over 10 years.

Safer VaccinesSome vaccines are available without  human DNA contaminants.
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How to Effectively Detox VaccinesHolistic Vaccine Detox 

Maybe you choose to vaccinate your children, are aware of the toxic ingredients and want to help their bodies to deal with it, … or maybe you’ve chosen to have one yourself as a job requirement or for overseas travel?

Maybe you’ve decided to stop vaccinating and are looking for holistic ways to flush out the toxins, … or maybe your child has experienced some negative effects, and you want to do what you can to help them to detox and hopefully heal.