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HomeAutism IS an Epidemic

Autism IS an Epidemic 

  Dr. Theresa Deisher

Dr. Deisher obtained her Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Physiology from Stanford University and has spent over 20 years in commercial biotechnology, working with companies such as Genentech, Repligen, Zymo Genetics, Immunex and Amgen, prior to founding AVM Biotechnology and Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI).  (Dr. Theresa Deisher CV)

Autism Worldwide Epidemic (VIDEO) 

Dr. Deisher has lectured widely and testified before various legislative venues regarding the extensive scientific evidence that human DNA contaminants in vaccines are linked to the autism epidemic.

Testimony on Autism links to Vaccinations  

The solution: "Change the vaccines."

Exponential explosion of autism worldwide. 

First estimated to occur in 4 to 5 per 10,000 children, autism now affects 1 per 36 children in the U.S. (2.8%) with an average prevalence between 1.5% and 3% in Asia, Europe and North America. CDC

At the current rate of increase, by 2025, half the children born in the United States will be diagnosed with autism, says Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

At that rate, the projected cost of autism could reach one trillion dollars by 2025.

ASD Prevalence Worldwide

Current ASD Prevelance Map

How did human DNA get into our vaccines?

Since 1979 more and more childhood vaccines have been made using human cell cultures. This results in human DNA fragments from the MRC-5 and WI-38 cell cultures in multiple childhood vaccines. Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary

Changepoints of Autism Incidence

Dr. Deisher: Autism Changepoints

Autism Changepoints Explained (VIDEO)