We are parents and professionals. Moms & Dads, Grandmas & Grandpas, doctors, teachers, lawyers, scientists. We are fellow, thinking human beings charged with the well being of our children. We are the guardians of our heritage and our family legacy. We are in our right minds, and are minding our rights to protect our children and the future of our species.
Parenting is a sacred responsibility. We must protect our right to guide the health and well-being of our children as we see fit.
We are consumers. Especially in this increasingly complex world, parents must inform ourselves about the myriad of options and risks involved in the choices we make for our families.
We are powerful. Almost 90% of people worldwide become parents in their lifetime.
Parent Mind is an information forum. It is a platform for parents and professionals to share and exchange up-to-date information with each other. We maintain a library of pertinent documents, scientific data, and current discussion in the world-wide community of parents and professionals. We invite opinions and new information to be shared in our discussion forum.
Our Mission: To share thoughtful, carefully researched information for parents, grandparents, professionals and families.
We are an independent venue and are privately funded. We rely on membership fees and donations to provide up to date inside information.
“What every parent in their right mind wants to know”.
Become a member of Parent Mind to to share current articles, websites, videos and debates to inform you in making critical decisions about your children's health, education and well-being.
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Telegram-New York Freedom Rally
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"The World's Most Courageous Teacher" reveals the inner circle secrets of the American school system. The legendary schoolteacher, John Taylor Gatto, invested over 10 years of dedicated research to uncover some of the most alarming ideas and writings by the creators and advocates of mandatory attendance schooling, which show where the system came from and why it was created. He combined these facts with his personal experience as a teacher for 30 years in New York public schools, where he won many awards, including being named State Teacher of the Year twice, and has authored an all-time classic. Mr. Gatto says, "It's time to take our schools back. If they mean to have a war, let it begin now."
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One size does NOT fit all.

Awareness, Intuition, and Intention...
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Borderline Personality Disorder has been one of the most under-recognized and misdiagnosed conditions in children.
If your child has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, they may have
Borderline Personality Disorder.
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Make more babies.

Vaccine Study Link

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